
Yayımcı "Springer" için İşletme Bölümü listeleme

Yayımcı "Springer" için İşletme Bölümü listeleme

Sırala: Sıra: Sonuçlar:

  • Prestwich, S. D.; Tarım, S. Armağan; Özkan, İbrahim (Springer, 2018-04)
    Probabilistic methods for causal discovery are based on the detection of patterns of correlation between variables. They are based on statistical theory and have revolutionised the study of causality. However, when correlation ...
  • Umutlu, Mehmet (Springer, 2010-08)
    In this study, the effect of leverage on investment is analyzed by employing panel data methods for the Turkish non-financial firms that are quoted on Istanbul Stock Exchange. For one-way error component models, it is shown ...
  • Visentin, Andrea; Prestwich, Steven; Tarım, S. Armağan (Springer, 2016)
    Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is a data analysis technique widely used in dimensionality reduction. It extracts a small number of orthonormal vectors that explain most of the variation in a dataset, which are called ...
  • Kalemci, R. Arzu; Tüzün, İpek Kalemci (Springer, 2019-09)
    This study focuses on two main arguments about the secularization of Protestant work ethic (PWE) and the uniqueness of Islamic work ethic (IWE). By adopting a linguistic point of view, this study aims to grasp a common ...
  • Sakarya, Orçun (Springer, 2009)
    Innovation's relation with competitiveness can be considered as a part of its emerging importance for the global economy. Accordingly, the main goal of this quantitative study is to foresee the main "macro" variables ...