
Yazar "59950" için Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği Bölümü Yayın Koleksiyonu listeleme

Yazar "59950" için Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği Bölümü Yayın Koleksiyonu listeleme

Sırala: Sıra: Sonuçlar:

  • Beldek, Ulaş; Leblebicioğlu, Kemal (IEEE, 2007)
    This study is about developing a hierarchical approach for decision-making problems. The development is done on a representative decision-making problem. A hierarchical decision making approach which enables fusion of ...
  • Beldek, Ulaş; Leblebicioğlu, Kemal (IEEE, 2007)
    In this study, a hierarchical decision making structure possessing a decision fusion technique is proposed in order to solve decision making problems efficiently. The proposed structure mainly depends on effects of the ...
  • Önal, Turgut; Beldek, Ulaş (Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2013)
    Bu çalışmada yeni bir evrimsel eniyileştirme algoritması olan yinelemeli iki-aşamalı evrimsel programlama algoritmasında kromozom seçmek için kullanılan metriğin farklılaştırlmasının eniyileştirme problemlerinin çözümlemedeki ...
  • Beldek, Ulaş; Leblebicioğlu, Kemal (Springer, 2009-07)
    Hierarchical problem solving is preferred when the problem is overwhelmingly complicated. In such a case, the problem should better be analyzed in hierarchical levels. At each level, some temporary solutions are obtained; ...
  • Beldek, Ulaş; Leblebicioǧlu, K. (2011)
    Sales forecasting is a common problem in economics. Lottery sales are one of the favorite issues of sales forecasting. Sales of lottery tickets depend on many economical issues and such a problem was investigated previously ...
  • Beldek, Ulaş; Leblebicioğlu, Kemal (Elsevier Science, 2007-02-01)
    Strategy planning is crucial to control a group to achieve a number of tasks in a closed area full of obstacles. In this study, genetic programming has been used to evolve rule-based hierarchical structures to move the ...
  • Beldek, Ulaş; Leblebicioğlu, Kemal (Elsevier, 2006)
    Strategy planning is crucial to control a group to achieve a number of tasks in a closed area full of obstacles. In this study, genetic programming has been used to evolve rule-based hierarchical structures to move the ...