
Failure Modes in Structural Applications of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites and Their Prevention

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dc.contributor.author Güneş, O.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-05-11T13:29:59Z
dc.date.available 2020-05-11T13:29:59Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.identifier.citation Gunes, O., "Failure Modes in Structural Applications of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites and Their Prevention", Developments In Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites For Civil Engineering, 45, pp. 115-147, (2013). tr_TR
dc.identifier.issn 2052-4714
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/3688
dc.description.abstract Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials have been increasingly used in civil engineering applications in the past two decades. Their wide ranging use, however, is still not realized due to a few fundamental issues including high material costs, relatively short history of applications and the gaps in the development of established standards. Design safety requires that all possible modes and mechanisms of failure are identified, characterized, and accounted for in the design procedures. This chapter provides a review of the failure types encountered in structural engineering applications of FRP and the preventive methods and strategies that have been developed to eliminate or delay such failures. As part of preventive measures, various non-destructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM) methods used for monitoring FRP applications are discussed with illustrative examples. tr_TR
dc.language.iso eng tr_TR
dc.publisher Woodhead Publ LTD tr_TR
dc.relation.isversionof 10.1533/9780857098955.1.115 tr_TR
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess tr_TR
dc.subject Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) tr_TR
dc.subject Strengthening tr_TR
dc.subject Retrofitting tr_TR
dc.subject Failures tr_TR
dc.subject Prevention tr_TR
dc.subject Non-Destructive Testing (Ndt) Methods tr_TR
dc.subject Structural Health Monitoring (Shm) tr_TR
dc.subject Embedded Sensors tr_TR
dc.subject Fiber Optic; Bragg Grating tr_TR
dc.title Failure Modes in Structural Applications of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites and Their Prevention tr_TR
dc.type bookPart tr_TR
dc.type article tr_TR
dc.relation.journal Developments In Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites For Civil Engineering tr_TR
dc.identifier.volume 45 tr_TR
dc.identifier.startpage 115 tr_TR
dc.identifier.endpage 147 tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Çankaya Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü tr_TR

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