
Yazar "234617" için Bankacılık ve Finans Bölümü YayınKoleksiyonu listeleme

Yazar "234617" için Bankacılık ve Finans Bölümü YayınKoleksiyonu listeleme

Sırala: Sıra: Sonuçlar:

  • İlalan, Deniz; Özel, Özgür (Central Bank Republic Turkey, 2018-03)
    A number of empirical studies assert that interest rates are governed by unit root processes rejecting any form of reversion to a long term mean by resorting to certain tests, among which the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) ...
  • İlalan, Deniz; Özel, Özgür (Taylor&Francis AS, 2018-04-18)
    We consider arctangent as the logistic function and compute the asymptotic critical values of the related non-linear unit root test via Monte Carlo simulation. While doing so, we got inspiration from some pioneering articles ...