Achievement goal theory describes human as being goal directed. Research has generally shown that achievement goals predict students’ motivation, and selfbeliefs. The aim of this study is to explore relationships among writing achievement goals, self-efficacy and affect. Three hundred thirteen 7th and 8th grade
students from a private school in Ankara, Turkey participated the study. The majority of participants were 7th graders (n = 177). Of those reporting gender (n =
313), 161 were boys and 152 were girls. Mean reported age was 12.68. Data were collected with several scales including the Writing Achievement Goals Scale,
Self-Efficacy for Writing Scale, and Liking Writing Scale. The theoretical model represents relationships among writing achievement goals, writing self-efficacy
and affect using structural equation modeling including students’ responses to the study scales. Results from the analysis revealed that there is a good fit
between a model depicting hypothesized relations among the constructs and the data. Overall, all of the achievement goals showed a direct relationship with
writing self-efficacy. However, the strength and direction of this relationship differed in components of both achievement goals and self-efficacy. Contrary to
performance approach goals, mastery goals and performance avoidance goals had a direct relationship to liking writing. Moreover, liking writing almost equally
and positively impacted all components of self-efficacy for writing