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Browsing Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği Bölümü by Title

Browsing Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği Bölümü by Title

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  • Kılıç, Gamze (Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2016)
    In this thesis, the fields scattering from parabolic reflectors with perfectly electric surface (PEC) have been investigated. The parabolic reflector surface illuminated by a point source located at focus. In order to find ...
  • Akkoyun, Sıdıka Türkan (2012-09)
    In this thesis, for a turbulent atmosphere, the radius of curvature of Bessel- Gaussian beam is formulated. For various order of Bessel-Gaussian beam of the first kind, the source size, propagation distance, wavelength, ...
  • Çay, Saim (2012-09)
    In this thesis, the radius of curvature of Laguerre-Gaussian beam is formulated for turbulent atmosphere and analyzed numerically for various radial and angular mode numbers, the source size, propagation distance and ...
  • Önal, Turgut (2013-02)
    This thesis is devoted to deeper research about the characteristics of the Metaheuristic search algorithm “Recursive Two-Stage Evolutionary Programming” (RTEP). This algorithm is a powerful Metaheuristic where only mutation ...
  • Tilkioğlu, Ahmet Kerem (2009-09-01)
    In recent years, especially the last decade, Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) Services have been rapidly developed and deployed to the world step by step. Nowadays, this development leads authorities to the field of ...
  • Radie Al-Khayyat, Ahmed Hussein (2016)
    Despite the advantage of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, nevertheless mobility, size, or other constraints of mobile devices prevent the use of such systems. Also the complexity (multiple radio-frequency ...
  • Al-Janami, Muthana Hatem Dahham (2019)
    Cognitive Radio (CR) has appeared as one of the solutions to mitigate the spectrum scarcity problem. One of areas that has suffered from spectrum scarcity is Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN). It is possible to use CR ...
  • Ünal, Nihat Mert (2019)
    Bu tezde uydu tabanlı pasif radarların elektromanyetik yayılımı incelenmiştir. Uydudan yayılan elektromanyetik alanlar tüm atmosferi geçecek ve hedeften saçılacaktır. Bu hedefler sivil uçak ve görünmez savaş ...
  • Sarıçoban, Mehmet Ceyhun (2020)
    Bu tezde inhomojen dalgalar ile aydınlatılmış mükemmel manyetik iletken yüzeye sahip silindirik reflektörden saçılan alanlar incelenmiştir. Yapılan incelemede, akım bazlı metodların bir tanesi olan fiziksel optik metodu ...
  • Yaylak, Refik Koray (2022)
    Elektromanyetik dalgaların saçılması, elektromanyetik dalgaların bir yüzeyle etkileşime girdiğinde yön veya frekans değiştirmesi sürecidir. Bu saçılma olayı, yüzeyin elektromanyetik dalgaları yansıtması ve kırması sonucu ...
  • Kunt, Yusuf (2020)
    Gemi sınıflandırma ve tanıma sistemleri, denize kıyısı ve boğaz geçişleri yoğun olan ülkeler de ulusal ve yerel savunma, gemi trafik kontrolü, kaçak balıkçılık, korsan, insan tacirleri ve küresel ticaret zinciri gibi sorun ...
  • Öztürk, Korhan (2011-08-28)
    This thesis contains a feasibility study for the free space optical links, which would be installed in Turkey. In first chapters, some basic information and the background theory of the atmospheric channel are given. ...
  • Mahmood, Ahmed Imad (2016)
    DC motor velocity control is one of the most commonly encountered control applications in literature as DC machines are exclusively used in industrial applications. The DC motors are assumed to have linear and stable ...
  • Tahseen Sedeeq, Fidan (2016)
    Arabalı sarkaç sisteminin doğrusal olmayan bir dinamiği bulunmaktadır ve matematiksel modeli yüksek dereceli türevsel denklemlerle ifade edilmektedir. Ayrıca bu sistemin, bazı kontrol uygulamalarında kararsız denge ...
  • Al-Adhami, Yasir Isam (2014-09-23)
    The smart vehicle system is a simple system device. Users can install this system device in their vehicles and use it without any difficulty. It is active for any smartphone that can use Google Maps, and send and receive ...
  • Taşyürek, Gamze (2020)
    Bu tezde varış tahmin yönü için mekânsal yöntemler ve donanım uygulamaları çalışılmıştır. Sinyallerin varış yönünün tahmini, radar, sonar, akustik, astronomi ve iletişim teknolojileri gibi farklı alanlarda yaygın olarak ...
  • Al-Jada, Omar Saad Abdulqader (Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2018)
    In this thesis we used the three cases for diagnosis of the heart attacks. The first case is healthy persons, second case is non healthy persons and the last one is unknown persons. For detection of them we used the ...
  • Bingöl, Hilal (Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2017)
    Intelligent transportation systems aim at improving the efficiency and safety of transportation. In dense traffic, vehicles are aggregated to vehicle strings that travel on the same lane, whereby it is desired to maintain ...
  • Hammadi, Yousif Ibrahim (2013-10)
    In this thesis, a new MIMO-OFDM model has been introduced. The performance of this model using PSK and QAM digital modulations for different antenna configura-tions is analyzed and evaluated under Rayleigh fading channel. ...
  • Nooruldeen, Anas (2012-09-21)
    This thesis deals with reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS) and reconfigurable machine tools (RMT), that are designed to provide flexibility in both the variety of products and the configuration of the manufacturing ...