
A finite difference scheme based on cubic trigonometric B-splines for a time fractional diffusion-wave equation

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dc.contributor.author Baleanu, Dumitru
dc.date.accessioned 2019-12-16T13:27:54Z
dc.date.available 2019-12-16T13:27:54Z
dc.date.issued 2017-09-08
dc.identifier.citation Yaseen, Muhammad; Abbas, Muhammad; Nazir, Tahir; Baleanu, Dumitru. (2017) A finite difference scheme based on cubic trigonometric B-splines for a time fractional diffusion-wave equation, Advances in Difference Equations, tr_TR
dc.identifier.issn 1687-1847
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/2149
dc.description.abstract In this paper, we propose an efficient numerical scheme for the approximate solution of a time fractional diffusion-wave equation with reaction term based on cubic trigonometric basis functions. The time fractional derivative is approximated by the usual finite difference formulation, and the derivative in space is discretized using cubic trigonometric B-spline functions. A stability analysis of the scheme is conducted to confirm that the scheme does not amplify errors. Computational experiments are also performed to further establish the accuracy and validity of the proposed scheme. The results obtained are compared with finite difference schemes based on the Hermite formula and radial basis functions. It is found that our numerical approach performs superior to the existing methods due to its simple implementation, straightforward interpolation and very low computational cost. A convergence analysis of the scheme is also discussed. tr_TR
dc.language.iso eng tr_TR
dc.publisher Springer Open tr_TR
dc.relation.isversionof 10.1186/s13662-017-1330-z tr_TR
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess tr_TR
dc.subject Time Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation tr_TR
dc.subject Trigonometric Basis Functions tr_TR
dc.subject Cubic Trigonometric B-Splines Method tr_TR
dc.subject Stability tr_TR
dc.title A finite difference scheme based on cubic trigonometric B-splines for a time fractional diffusion-wave equation tr_TR
dc.type article tr_TR
dc.relation.journal Advances in Difference Equations tr_TR
dc.contributor.authorID 56389 tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Matematik - Bilgisayar Bölümü tr_TR

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