
Local existence for an impulsive fractional neutral integro-differential system with Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives in a Banach space

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dc.contributor.author Kalamani, Palaniyappan
dc.contributor.author Baleanu, Dumitru
dc.contributor.author Arjunan, M. Mallika
dc.date.accessioned 2019-12-20T12:35:46Z
dc.date.available 2019-12-20T12:35:46Z
dc.date.issued 2018-11-12
dc.identifier.citation Kalamani, Palaniyappan; Baleanu, Dumitru; Arjunan, Mani Mallika (2018). Local existence for an impulsive fractional neutral integro-differential system with Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives in a Banach space, Advances in Difference Equations. tr_TR
dc.identifier.issn 1687-1847
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/2215
dc.description.abstract In this manuscript, we investigate a sort of fractional neutral integro-differential equations with impulsive outcomes and extend the formula of general solutions for the impulsive fractional neutral integro-differential system in a Banach space. By using the analysis of the limit case and the operator generating compact semigroup, we derive the main results. Finally, an example is discussed to illustrate the efficiency of the results. tr_TR
dc.language.iso eng tr_TR
dc.publisher Pushpa Publishing House tr_TR
dc.relation.isversionof 10.1186/s13662-018-1866-6 tr_TR
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess tr_TR
dc.subject Fractional Differential Equations tr_TR
dc.subject Riemann-Liouville Fractional Derivatives tr_TR
dc.subject Impulsive tr_TR
dc.title Local existence for an impulsive fractional neutral integro-differential system with Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives in a Banach space tr_TR
dc.type article tr_TR
dc.relation.journal Advances in Difference Equations tr_TR
dc.contributor.authorID 56389 tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Matematik - Bilgisayar Bölümü tr_TR

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