
Yayın tarihi için Matematik ve Bilgisayar Bölümü Tezleri listeleme

Yayın tarihi için Matematik ve Bilgisayar Bölümü Tezleri listeleme

Sırala: Sıra: Sonuçlar:

  • Çevik, Sibel (2003)
    Diferensiyel denklemler, birçok fiziksel olayı modellemede kullanıldıgmdan, bu denklemlerin çözüm metotları fizik ve mühendislik gibi alanlarda çalışan lar için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bilinen analitik tekniklerle birçok ...
  • Gül, Yusuf (2003)
    İki bağıl sistem kanonik yöntem ile incelendi. Toplam diferansiyel denklemler Proca Model için elde edildi. Kuantalaştırılmış alanların etkileşimleri incelendi ve n-alana genelleştirildi. Elektromanyetik alan uygulamasında, ...
  • Cenk, Murat (2003)
    Bağıl sistemler yeni bir geometrik bakışla incelendi ve integrallenebilir geometrilerin yüzey terimlerinin önemi vurgulandı. Klasik mekaniğin geometrik formülasyonu ve simplektik geometri kısaca sunuldu
  • Palta, Hasan (2004)
    In this thesis, we first give some basic knowledge about "the fixed point" based mainly on the Banach Contraction Principle. Later, we give explanations about the development of this concept. At last, we discuss a new ...
  • Avkar, Tansel (2004)
    The Laplace transform method for solving fractional differential equations is pre sented. The fractional diffusion and fractional Schrödinger equations together with their properties are investigated. The Lagrangians linear ...
  • Defterli, Özlem (2004-06)
    Superintegrallenebilir Sistemler
  • Baydar, Hakan (2006)
    f (x)dx şeklindeki belirli integralin nümerik olarak yaklaştırılması işin herhangis u s cbir method kullanılmasına tümlev alma denir. Amaş en az fonksiyon değerlendirimiu c gile verilen duyarlılık seviyesinde sonuş elde ...
  • Baydar, Hakan (2006-07-25)
    Quadrature refers to any method for numerically approximating the value of definite integral a f (x)dx. The goal is to attain a given level of precision with the fewest function evaluations. The factors that control the ...
  • Bilgen, Adnan (2006-08-04)
    The snakeboard problem is investigated as a constrained, control system using the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation. Equations of motion are solved numerically in La- grangian and Hamiltonian approaches
  • Benli, Betül (2011-07)
    A specific type of Caputo q?fractional differential equations has been solved. The solutions have been expressed via the generalized q- Mittag Leffler func- tions which were comprised a while ago. The method of successive ...
  • Benli, Betül (2011-07)
    A speci c type of Caputo q{fractional di erential equations has been solved. The solutions have been expressed via the generalized q- Mittag Le er functions which were comprised a while ago. The method of successive ...
  • Mohamad, Tariq Abed (2012)
    Ağ trafiğindeki anomalilerin otomasyonlu tespiti önemli ve zorlayıcı bir görevdir. Ağın performansını etkileyen ana etkenler anomaliler ve izinsiz girişlerdir. Belirli internet sayfalarına ve ağ adreslerine erişimi azaltmayı ...
  • Yılmaz, Tuğba (2012-01)
    The Variational iteration method is a new and powerful method to solve both linear and nonlinear differential equations. The Variational iteration method was applied to the fractional Davey-Stewartson equations within the ...
  • Ramadhan, Fatimah (2012-07)
    This thesis investigates hospital information system. The traditional systems were found to be completely manual and subject to numerous problems like duplication, loss of records, huge storage space and time consuming. A ...
  • Ali, Suha Aziz (2012-07)
    A potential implementation of geographic information systems (GIS) in Kirkuk Water Directorate is evaluated at a preliminary level. Selected literature has been surveyed and it is perceived that there are municipalities ...
  • Aydın, Faruk (2012-09)
    Cyber attacks supported by individuals and states are increased by the prevalence of information technologies and usage of these technologies at the critical infrastructure of the states. In this study, these cyber attacks ...
  • Nabeel Dara, Omar (2012-09)
    The main idea for this research is apply JPEG technique with enhanced quantization, on Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT). The DWT minimize the size of the image into convert the image into LL, HL, LH and HH sub-bands. ...
  • Abosharb, Laila (2013-01)
    Linear systems of equations are encountered frequently in many problems in science and engineering. In large systems representing complicated problems, it is vital to make use of the sparsity of the problem. In such systems, ...
  • Sıddık, Omer (2013-02)
    The purpose of digital watermarking is to attempt to solve the copyright ownership problem for all multimedia data which can be image, audio or video. The main objective of this thesis is to design a robust method of image ...
  • Balpetek, Güzin (2013-02-05)
    In this thesis we do a survey about cyclic contractıon mappıngs on some special metric spaces and also we examine fixed point theorems for the cyclic contraction mappings