Watermarking and stenography are getting importance recently because of copyright protection and authentication. In watermarking we embed stamp, logo, noise or image to multimedia elements such as image, video, audio, animation, software and text. There are several works have been done in watermarking for different purposes. In this research work we used watermarking techniques to embed patient information into the medical magnetic resonance (MR) images. There are two methods have been used; frequency domain (Digital Wavelet Transform-DWT, Digital Cosine Transform-DCT and Digital Fourier Transform-DFT) and spatial domain (Least Significant Bits-LSB). Experimental results show that embedding in frequency domains resist against one group of attacks, and embedding in spatial domain is resist against another group of attacks. Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Similarity Ratio (SR) values are two measurement values for testing. This two values gives very promising result for information hiding in medical MR images.