
Performance analysis of mimo fso systems with radial arraybeams and finite sized detectors

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dc.contributor.author Gökçe, Muhsin Caner
dc.contributor.author Kamacıoğlu, Canan
dc.contributor.author Uysal, Murat
dc.contributor.author Baykal, Yahya
dc.date.accessioned 2020-06-02T07:01:26Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-02T07:01:26Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.citation Gokce, Muhsin C...et.al., "Performance analysis of mimo fso systems with radial arraybeams and finite sized detectors" Laser Communication And Propagation Through The Atmosphere And Oceans III, Vol.9224, (2014). tr_TR
dc.identifier.isbn 978-1-62841-251-2
dc.identifier.issn 0277-786X
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12416/4001
dc.description.abstract Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are employed in free space optical (FSO) links to mitigate the degrading effects of atmospheric turbulence. In this paper, we consider a MIMO FSO system with practical transmitter and receiver configurations that consists of a radial laser array with Gaussian beams and finite sized detectors. We formulate the average received intensity and the power scinitillation as a function of the receiver coordinates in the presence of weak atmospheric turbulence by using the extended Huygens-Fresnel principle. Then, integrations over the finite sized multiple detectors are performed and the effect of the receiver aperture averaging is quantified. We further derive an outage probability expression of this MIMO system in the presence of turbulence-induced fading channels. Using the derived expressions, we demonstrate the effect of several practical system parameters such as the ring radius, the number of array beamlets, the source size, the link length, structure constant and the receiver aperture radius on the system performance. tr_TR
dc.language.iso eng tr_TR
dc.publisher Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering tr_TR
dc.relation.isversionof 10.1117/12.2060867 tr_TR
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess tr_TR
dc.subject MIMO Systems tr_TR
dc.subject Free Space Optical Communication tr_TR
dc.subject Optical Wave Propagation tr_TR
dc.subject Outage Probability tr_TR
dc.title Performance analysis of mimo fso systems with radial arraybeams and finite sized detectors tr_TR
dc.type workingPaper tr_TR
dc.relation.journal Laser Communication And Propagation Through The Atmosphere And Oceans III tr_TR
dc.identifier.volume 9224 tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Çankaya Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği Bölümü tr_TR

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