Roland Barthes (1991) stated, “A miracle is always a sudden transformation of nature.”
Originally, plastic could be seen as a man-made material (thing) transformed from a natural material.
Plastic is a new “perfect” material-object produced from earthly raw material. Although its discovery
time is not very long, it is obvious that it has a long lifetime after once produced. That is why it is needed
to find sustainable ways to manage the world of plastic objects. There are many re-cycling projects
related with plastics, but here I would like to mention an “up-cycling” project of plastics. It is a
“revaluation process” of plastics, it is “Tertium Non Data” done by Gülnur Özdağlar. In this miraculous
process, useless-epidemic-uninspired plastic things transformed into something endemic and unique.
“Tertium Non Data” could be a sustainable way of living with plastics.