In this study, we analyze the security of two NoSQL databases, MongoDB 3.6.3 and Cassandra 3.11.1 in a
multi-node configuration in two steps. The first step is a comparative study of both databases’ security features
according to ten selected criteria from the literature. The second step is analyzing data encryption overhead using
the Yahoo Cloud Serving Benchmark tool. This study will help decision-makers and researchers to realize the
most crucial security features concerning NoSQL databases as well as to be able to analyze the NoSQL
databases regarding the security features. Our security comparison results show that both databases have
noteworthy security features. However, Cassandra takes the lead as it supports more security criteria. Besides,
the encryption/decryption performance of the MongoDB business version is 53% faster than the Cassandra
business version, and the average amount of data that the MongoDB business version can process per minute is
45% higher than the Cassandra business version. This result shows that it is more appropriate to use MongoDB
in environments where encryption is required.