In this research, we examine the modified model of (1+n)-dimensional Zakharov-Kuznetsov (ZK) equation, which will be used to analyze the nature of weakly nonlinear traveling waves in the existence of a constant magnetic area in a plasma comprising in cold ions and hot isothermal electrons. The modified Zakharov-Kuznetsov (mZK) equation will have solutions describing the traveling solitary waves, using the extended [Formula Presented]-expansion method and extended direct algebraic method gives way to the mZK equation regulating the transmission of ion dynamics for nonlinear traveling waves in a plasma. The sufficient conditions for the stability and existence of the traveling wave solutions are reported. Semi-dark, rational, and singular solitary wave solutions are computed. Graphical interpretations of certain practical solutions for specific values of parameters have also been available. The research findings reported throughout this evaluation are fresh and from which this model is employed to analyze waves in numerous plasmas, could be valuable and important. Subsequently, there are concluding remarks mentioned.