A mathematical model is explored to establish the electroosmotic flow for Cu-wa-ter nanoliquids within a ciliated symmetric micro-channel, the flow is established with aid of ciliary motion and axial pressure gradient. Nanofluid comprise of Cu as a nanofluid particles and water as base fluid. Maxwell-Garnelt model is exploited for viscosity and thermal conductivity of nanoliquid. Magnetic field is applied in the transverse direction and external electric field is enforced in the axial direction. Equations of motion are simplified for nanofluid flow in the micro-channel by employing low Reynolds number and long wavelength approximation theory. Crucial exact analytical expression are gathered for electric potential, temperature profile, axial velocity, volume flux, pressure gradient, stream function, and result for pressure rise per wavelength explored numerically. The influence of crucial flow parameters on, flow behaviour, pumping phenomena, and temperature profile are thoroughly investigated. © 2021. Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia. Published by the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia. This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 terms and conditions.