Urban transformation is the overall strategy and action set out to improve the
physical, economic, social and environmental conditions of an urban space with
comprehensive and integrated approaches, taking into account urban issues and needs. Urban
design and transformation is that of understanding or application in the multi-dimensionality of
the projected core reason of the actors present in the urban renewal applications. In Ankara,
Ulus Historic Center, since the past ten years, Urban Regeneration and Urban Renewal
expressions and applications affect the content and the legal platform of protection of cultural
heritage areas. Through this development, conservation based improvement approach that
evaluated in “Urban Revitalization” and the Renewal approach that prefered for cultural
heritage areas which become dilapidated urban tissues interfere with each other. The purpose
of this paper is to evaluate the Ankara, “Sustainable Conservation of Cultural Landscape And
Changing Values Around Haci Bayram Mosque And Augustus Temple” in the context of
"Sustainable Historic Environment Protection" around Ulus Historical Center. Historical and
cultural memory loss has occurred with applications such as demolition of facade structures
facing the Haci Bayram Mosque, enlargement of the last community place of the glass,
construction of women parth underneath, construction of multi-storey car park by digging the
mound, and filling the periphery with false historical artifacts.